ROV and Crawlers
ROV and Crawlers
Reliable ROVs and crawlers for inspections and maintenance work
Indirect optical inspections allow careful visual checks in places that are difficult to walk on. Thanks to powerful cameras, the inside of shafts, pipes, tanks or structures can be precisely identified. Suitable means of transport are required so that your cameras can safely and reliably reach all the places you want to inspect. Modern magnetic crawlers or pipe crawlers allow you to mount swivelling and rotating cameras. The versatile transport units move safely in narrow pipelines or through difficult-to-access manhole systems. In this way, you can detect and document damage, construction faults, deposits or obstacles.
Radiation-resistant, extremely manoeuvrable inspection system for visual inspection of reactor pressure vessels (RPV) and RPV internals
Compact, extremely maneuverable magnetic crawler with adaptable VT 34 PT pan-tilt camera in the front of the vehicle and additional camera at the rear of the vehicle
Compact, extremely maneuverable magnetic chain drive with built-in brake is ideal as a building block for making a trolley.